
The Institute for Diabetes Discovery is a Research Institution dedicated to reducing the impact of the disease and its incumbent human, social, and financial costs.

NetMan worked with IDD to efficiently present their tightly woven network of in-house scientists, collaborations with industry and academic institutions, and advisory board comprised of world-renowned scientific leaders in diabetes research to an online audience.

Consulting... talk/schmalk... yeah, we do websites... but we also do something else:

We solve your problems, reaching your market.

We connect you to the market.

The consulting that NET MAN does aims to look at complex technical issues with your in-house programs, sales and information systems - and look for creative solutions utilizing custom programming and the Internet to make the answers function quickly and easily. We connect your business to your online presence - with whatever communication needs that may mean - human OR computer.

Here are some NET MAN articles:

Build A Search Engine Friendly Website PDF   PPT
NMIPA Presentation April 2, 2007

The below are all Adobe Acrobat PDF files:

Who Owns A Website?

What do I need to know about renewing a domain name?

How do I create META tags?

What are the considerations to get into eCommerce?

What should I know about writing textual copy for a Website?

What are the considerations for installing a shopping cart sales system?

How do I get more People to my Website?

